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Windows 8 Hands-on.

5 Nov


Our Gizmo Wiki team finally got their Copy of Windows 8 developer preview.

Check out some screens from the upcoming OS, later in 2012.

 The New Loader of Windows 8, Spinning Dots.Simply beautiful!

Setting Up our new user!
The First Boot

 Newly Installed OS greets with Metro Start menu

 Working with comand prompt is much easier in new windows explorer.

The New Windows Explore Opened in Windows 8 aero Desktop
The New Control Panel

Internet Explorer 10 in aero mode

The Internet Explorer 10 in tile mode

After-view: After using the OS for a couple of hours, We found that, the new os was a bit simlar to Windows 7. The metro UI is very innovative and elegant but it loses its potential on anything less than a touch-screen.The Os allows to switch from METRO UI to Aero mode by clicking on START button The inability of tile based apps to use flash was a bit disappointing.The new Explorer is specially modified for touch-screens and it features a new option to directly open the path in CMD which is a quite good feature.The new Control panel and personalization menu were also very innovative and touch friendly.The STORE app was not available for preview.The Internet Explorer 10 was available in two versions: 1. Aero 2.Tile , Tile mode was especially designed for Touch-screens but it lacked adobe Flash support, which was again disappointing for Mobile devices but the Aero version was packed with all modern features.

Well, it seems that Microsoft is playing a bet on windows 8 by releasing the OS on All computing devices, because we felt that the metro ui didn’t suited PC and similarly Aero Would look ridiculous on a 4inch smartphone. However, it was only a Developer Preview which cant represent the quality of final product. So Just wait for the final OS to Come.

[Note: For Some unknown reasons we were unable to connect to internet. so we cant review the web enabled features of the os]